Elan strives to help communities thrive through our partnerships with credit unions around the country.
We understand that support goes beyond credit card servicing, which is why we launched our charitable giving initiative to support the members and neighborhoods of our credit card partners.
One of the most rewarding efforts of this initiative has been, and continues to be, the opportunity to volunteer alongside our partners in their communities. Our inaugural year of this initiative included two programs, Across the Country and Credit Union Day.
Elan’s Across the Country campaign impacted 50 communities throughout the nation. Each charity was selected by a credit union partner to receive a $12,500 donation on their behalf.
In conjunction with these gifts, Elan organized four volunteer events in Florida, North Carolina, Minnesota, and Massachusetts. Credit union partners, selected charities, and Elan staff gave their time to volunteer at these events.
“Credit unions are a vital resource for their communities, with a mission to serve members and neighbors. We’re proud to launch Elan’s Charitable Giving to help support the positive impact our credit union partners have on their communities”.John Owens,
General Manager Elan Credit Card
To celebrate the commitment of credit unions to their members and communities, Elan selected five credit union partners to identify a charity in their own community to receive a $15,000 donation on Credit Union Day, October 20, 2022.
“The kindness and contribution will be of great help this time of year. CASWT has been blessed to care for youth in our community over 100 years, and this gift will help further our mission.”Sheila Catron, Executive Director,
Children’s Aid Society of West Texas
“Because of this donation, Arizona Helping Hands was able to put together almost 1,500 “Sweet Dreams” kits which will help foster children feel welcome and safe on their first night in a new home. Each kit includes a robe, fuzzy socks, and a pair of new pajamas.”Bethany Eggleston, Director of Development, Arizona Helping Hands
"We want to thank Connex CU and Elan for the most generous donation in support of our work serving children, youth, families, veterans, and fathers in Greater New Haven. We are delighted to be the recipient and look forward to sharing with you the impact of your donation.”Shirley West Executive Director, Urban Community Alliance
“This gift from Millbury Credit Union and Elan will go a long way to help the members of our community. As a group, we are determining the best way to distribute these funds to reach as many individuals and families as possible.”Kevin Plante President Millbury Lions Club
“Make A Wish® Massachusetts and Rhode Island is so honored to receive this gift and are excited to celebrate Credit Union Day 2022 with St. Mary’s Credit Union and Elan. We appreciate this partnership and support of granting life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.”George Deveney, Sr., Chief Advancement Officer, Make A Wish®
From food banks to schools supplies, these are a few ways our charitable giving program has made a difference throughout 2022.
Approximately 117,500 lbs of food donated across 24 counties in North Carolina and South Carolina.
“Ending child hunger is our single biggest, and most important goal at Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina … we couldn't do it without partners like Elan and Sharonview. That's for sure.”Kay Carter, CEO of Second Harvest
Food Bank of Metrolina
Volunteers packed 100 emergency food boxes for those in need.
“[This donation] helps us provide essential services to our neighbors in need. We are commemorating 50 years of serving our community this year. It is because of community partners like Elan and Wakota that we can continue this important work.”Charles D. Thompson, President and
CEO of Neighbors, Inc.
Free educational supplies provided to 53 classrooms.
“This makes a huge impact for my students. Many come without materials or supplies — they don't have a notebook, they don't have pencils, crayons, anything. I have a little boy who comes in every day, no pencil. I could argue with him that I gave him a pencil yesterday. Instead, I hand him a pencil because I got a nice little supply from Red Apple. It changes his whole attitude for the day. He's able to focus and learn.”Lisa, first-grade teacher at
Highland Elementary
Support for shelter of 4,000 homeless individuals in North Worcester County.
"This donation will support numerous services including: emergency shelter, transitional and permanent housing, individual guidance to assist clients in becoming self-sufficient, access to basic needs, and our food pantry."Judith Nest-Pasierb
Executive Director, Our Father's House, Inc.
Building strong relationships with members is more than simply marketing a low-fee credit card and other banking services. It’s about offering a full-service experience that includes a commitment to the community.
Elan and PYMNTS charitable giving report* shows that nearly 75% of consumers give to charity and want their financial institutions (FIs) to give as well. Consumers’ desire to see their FI support local charities is strong enough that 30% would move their accounts to a different FI if their current one did not donate.
A partnership with Elan is more than a business relationship. We can support your growth strategy with desired products, marketing, and cutting-edge payments solutions. Elan partners with credit unions to provide an outsourced credit card program, mortgage solutions, and merchant processing services.
“What’s important to our credit union partners is important to us, and we want to invest in those things and help.”Aaron Melnarik, Vice President of Client Relationships